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Diseases & Disorders: Nursing



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Diseases & Disorders: Nursing(圖1)-速報App

Diseases and Disorders: A Nursing Therapeutics Manual

Based on 5th print ed. 250+ diseases & disorders. Primary nursing diagnoses with outcomes & interventions. Patient teaching checklists.

Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked content will launch the in-app purchase screen).

Based on: 5th edition

Author: Marilyn Sawyer Sommers, PhD, RN, FAAN and Ehriel Fannin

Publisher: F. A. Davis Company

ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-3855-6


Diseases & Disorders: Nursing(圖2)-速報App

Everything you need to know about caring for patients—in one portable "must have" handbook! Clear, but comprehensive discussions of pathophysiology, with rationales in the medications and laboratory sections, explain the scientific basis for the nursing care. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, the 5th Edition incorporates the latest scientific advances and the practice of nursing today.

Key Features

- Is the only book of its kind to include information on Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)!

- Helps readers prioritize interventions by highlighting the primary nursing diagnosis.

- Makes locating pertinent test results quick and easy with Diagnostic Highlights tables.

- Outlines the drugs most commonly used for a disorder, including the dosage, mechanism of action, and rationales for use in Pharmacologic Highlights tables.

- Helps ensure that patients receive all essential information before discharge with patient teaching checklists.

- Includes separate headings for psychosocial issues.

Diseases & Disorders: Nursing(圖3)-速報App

New to this Edition

- REVISED & UPDATED! Must-know information on nearly 250 disorders.

- REVISED & UPDATED! Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) coverage for each disorder, including causes, pertinent physical and psychosocial findings, life span considerations, primary nursing diagnoses, and collaborative and independent nursing interventions, plus documentation information on average length of stay and home healthcare guidelines.

- UPDATED! Discussions of gender and life span considerations.

- UPDATED! Information on genetics differences in health and disease conditions based on ethnicity and ancestry.

- UPDATED! Critical, global considerations that reflect the health issues that transcend national borders and the interdependence of countries.


Locate a disease, symptom or medication in the fastest possible manner:

Diseases & Disorders: Nursing(圖4)-速報App

- Use "Spotlight Search" from Home screen

- Tap and Hold launch icon to open Last Topic, History, Favorites ..

- Navigate using multiple indices

- History to open frequently visited pages

- Bookmarks


Mark topics with relevant information:

- Rich-text notes

Diseases & Disorders: Nursing(圖5)-速報App

- Voice memos

- Annotations with scribble, doodle or text

You choose the method to note this regardless of the context you are in to ensure that the important facts are available whenever you access the topic, whether it is tomorrow or six months from now.

Diseases & Disorders: Nursing(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad